Pineapple is a perennial crop grown for its fruits & used as a fresh&processed. In our campus some pineapple plots can be found .Which is included by the agro-frosty dept.
just up coming fruit
Common name:Pineapple
 Scientific name:Ananuscomosus
Family  name :Bromeliaceae
Present status:
immature fruit
The Pineapple occupies 4th position in terms of production among the fruits grown in BD.Largely grows in Bandarbon,Rangamati,Sylhet,Mymensing&Tangail.
Nutritional value:
Pineapple has ben described as an excellent source of  vit-C& good source of vit-A,B.It also contain water,sugar,ascorbic acid,carotene,thiamine,riboflavin,Fe.
Honey queen,gaintkew,ghorashal,abacaxi,maipure.
Fruit color changes from dark green to light green yellow some times to deep orang with the one set maturity.At full ripe stage ,a value of approximately 16 brix measured.
mature fruit
A yield of at lest40-50t/h.Under optimum conditions the yield goes up to 70t/ha or even more.

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